... the Whiteboard App is here |
The problem with writing on a whiteboard is that sooner or later .. you have to erase it. So, everyone is busy writing notes. What's wrong with this? Well, it stifles ideas .. restricts the spontaneous sharing of ideas and opinions. Snapboard - the Whiteboard app, allows you to take a 'snap' of the whiteboard. Filtering software allows you to lighten or darken the image .. then
......It just makes sense ... Whiteboards are a tremendous business meeting tool. But now with Snapboard, they just got a whole lot smarter.
Available in iOS and Android. For phone and tablet.
Click to download ...
Snapboard requires a unique identication Code (UIC) which will only be available to purchasers of Visionchart communication boards
Including : Communicate Whiteboards, Flipcharts & Mobiles and Lumiere magnetic Glassboards,
Email us at : sales@visionchart.com.au for more information
V I S I O N C H A R T - Australia
Ph 1800 06 7278 (within Australia) or + 612 9725 3177 Outside Australia
or ... email us at sales@visionchart.com.au